We see every patient as family!
Collaboration is our strength!
Collaboration between the patient and the therapist, between different therapists & the branch and between our organization & other centers, specialists & referrers.< /p>
Practice Ouderkerk
Lifestyle center Aemstelwijck Gijsbrecht van Aemstelstraat 1 Ouderkerk a/d Amstel 020 – 472 44 06 info@spitsfysio.nl
Mobile Practice
Working from location Practice Ouderkerk Ouderkerk a/d Amstel 020 – 472 44 06 info@spitsfysio.nl
PLUS Practice
We are proud to let you know that we:
- TOPZORG practice at Menzis
- PLUS practice At CZ/Deltalloyd/ Ohra
- 3*** practice at De Friesland Zorgverzekeraar
- A practice at Care and Security are
This means that we meet the highest standards for practice and quality, set by health insurers and the government.< br />The therapists have all chosen a specialization and work optimally together. The practice also works closely with doctors and medical institutions, so you can receive multidisciplinary help at short notice!
General Fysiotherapy
McKenzie Therapy
Dry Needling
Headache and migraine
Children's physiotherapy
Injury and sports consultation
Sport Fysiotherapy
Medical Taping
treatment at home
Group Therapy
New developments
Wist u dat:
Onze praktijk te Amsterdam sinds 1 oktober 2022 gesloten is en word overgenomen door fysio Gelderlandplein. Onze Praktijk te Ouderkerk aan de Amstel blijft wel geopend en u bent daar van harte welkom. Wij doen ook aan artikelenverkoop.
Gratis sport- en blessure spreekuur op dinsdagavond van 18:00-18:30 uur op de locatie in Ouderkerk. Heb je een blessure in het weekend opgelopen, bel dan gerust 020-4724406.