Physiotherapy at home
Are you no longer able to do your own shopping? Is it difficult to climb stairs at home? Can you still reach for all the cupboards in the kitchen? Is dressing and undressing difficult? Are you no longer as flexible and mobile as you used to be? These are common problems that make living at home difficult. But of course there could be more going on. Such as a painful condition or illness being diagnosed, or that you often fall in the house and become afraid to move.
Mobile Practice Greater Amsterdam
With the Mobile Practice, Spits center for physiotherapy focuses on the complex care needs of patients in the home situation. With this we have been active for more than 15 years in Amsterdam, Amstelveen, Ouderkerk a / d Amstel and the surrounding area.
The field physiotherapists are specialized in home treatment. They treat patients with complex care needs who are referred by the GP to a physiotherapist, but who are unable to come to the practice. This not only concerns the elderly, but also patients who show signs of old age due to, for example, stroke, dementia, Parkinson’s disease or a broken hip. In addition, the physiotherapists often accompany patients who go to a daytime activity, but cannot receive physiotherapy there. A physical therapist sits daily at Ons tweede Thuis, location Saaftingestraat, formerly Heliomare Dagbesteding, in Amsterdam South to treat patients. A physiotherapist also treats patients living in residential care center Villa Ouderkerk in Ouderkerk aan de Amstel. There are four therapists active in the field. They have monthly collegial consultations, during which files are discussed and treatments are evaluated. Our physiotherapists are fully specialized in home treatment.
If you want to be considered for treatment at home, you must get a referral for home treatment from your GP.
The physiotherapist treats patients with complex care needs, such as:
- Parkinson’s disease
- spinal cord injury
- Amputation
- Stroke / CVA
- Chronic pain complaints
- muscle disease
You can also deploy our physiotherapists at:
- General pain complaints
- Post-operative care
- Traumatic Conditions
- Heart, vascular and lung problems
- Advice on increased risk of falling, homework exercises and exercise advice at home
You may receive a referral for physiotherapy at home from your specialist after hospitalization or an outpatient appointment. Our mobile practice works closely with institutions, hospitals and nursing homes in the Amsterdam region, including:

Head of Physiotherapy Field Service:
Jolande Schotten
Heliomare Wijk aan zee supports people with an imminent or present disability by providing services separately or together in the field of rehabilitation, special education, work integration, housing, residential training, temporary care, daytime activities and sports / fitness.
Heliomare also offers meaningful daytime activities in various activity and work centers. Our mobile practice provides physiotherapy treatments at the day care center for people with noncongenital brain injury (NAH) of Ons Tweede Thuis, location Saaftingestraat, formerly Heliomare Dagbesteding in Baarsstraat, Amsterdam Zuid.
Residential center Villa Ouderkerk in Ouderkerk aan de Amstel provides care for people with dementia or physical disabilities, temporarily or permanently.
If you would like to know more about treatment at home, please contact Praktijk Ouderkerk on telephone number 020-4724406.