020 472 44 06 info@spitsfysio.nl

General Physiotherapy

With the physiotherapist you will be moving again in no time!

Get a message quickly by bike. Replace a skirting board at home. Cycling, walking, bending over, you don’t really think about that. Until the moment you suffer from a nagging knee, pain in your back or a chronic illness… Recognizable? Then you will wonder how you can quickly get back to doing everything you did before. Or how to keep moving as well as possible despite your chronic illness. The physiotherapist helps you to (keep) moving!

Nearly three million people find their way to a physiotherapist every year. This may concern complaints acquired during work or sports. It can also be the physical consequences of a wrong movement, an accident, illness or due to aging. The physiotherapist listens to the reason for your visit and your wishes. He will look at your physical situation and your options together with you. With his advice and exercises, he ensures that you can move better again. That way you get the most out of life.

You can go directly to the physiotherapist. You therefore do not need a referral letter from the doctor or general practitioner. That has advantages. You will immediately end up with the right practitioner and you can immediately start working on your recovery. The physiotherapist will perform a screening to determine whether physiotherapy treatment is indicated. The physiotherapist will then take a further history and examination of you to make a diagnosis. If physiotherapeutic treatment is not indicated, the physiotherapist will refer you back to the doctor or general practitioner. The physiotherapist is obliged to inform the general practitioner that he/she is taking you under treatment. Your doctor or general practitioner can take this into account when treating other complaints.

Without a referral letter to the physiotherapist.