The quality policy in physiotherapy
Healthcare in the Netherlands is on the move. The quality policy in physiotherapy is developing very positively and the physiotherapy treatment is becoming increasingly transparent. Coordination of treatment protocols is becoming increasingly topical, as is the collaboration with general practitioners, medical specialists and colleagues. Chain care is constantly evolving, so that different protocols of treatment disciplines are well connected.
United Amsterdam Physical Therapists Foundation
On the initiative of a dozen practices, we recently established the United Amsterdam Physical Therapists Foundation. The VAF aims to organize the development of modern physiotherapy and to develop new products.
Our practices work closely with the following institutions:
- READE in Amsterdam Zuid
- Ons Tweede Thuis dagbesteding in Amsterdam Zuid
- Coöperatie Huisartsen Amsterdam Groot-Zuid in Amsterdam-Buitenveldert
- Medisch Centrum Aemstelwijck in Ouderkerk aan de Amstel
- Huisartsenpraktijk Dokter Zuid in Amsterdam Zuid
- Amstelring in Amstelveen
- Onze Lieve Vrouwen Gasthuis Oost/ West, Orthopedics department in Amsterdam
- Academisch Medisch Centrum, department of gynacology/stoels in Amsterdam
- Zonnehuis Theresia in Ouderkerk aan de Amstel
- VITA welzijn en advies, regio Amstelland in Amstelveen
- Voetbal vereniging SV Ouderkerk in Ouderkerk aan de Amstel
- Pediatric Physiotherapy Ouderamstel in Ouderkerk aan de Amstel
- Helende Meesters verloskundigen in Ouderkerk aan de Amstel/ Amstelveen
Spits Center for Physiotherapy is connected to several networks, including:
- Rugpijn netwerk in Amsterdam
- MS netwerk in Amsterdam
- CVA netwerk in Amsterdam
- Rugpijnnetwerk in Amsterdam
- FNS netwerk in Amsterdam
- Parkinsonnet Nederland
Within these networks, several physiotherapists are active within our practice!
We are a member of and registered with, among others, the following associations and / or registers:
Koninklijk genootschap van Fysiotherapie