020 472 44 06 info@spitsfysio.nl

Interesting links

Interesting and/or relevant links

On this page you will find links to various websites with information about the disciplines in our branches. You will also find information about partnerships here. Have you come across a website on the internet that is interesting for our practice? Then we would like to hear from you!

www.fysionet.nl concerns Association for physiotherapy
www.nvmt.nl concerns manual therapy
www.qualityregister.nl concerns quality requirements for the physiotherapist
www.boe.nl concerns ergonomic chairs
www.defysiotherapeut.com concerns physiotherapy
www.McKenzie.nl concerns McKenzie Institute Benelux
www.kinderfysiotherapie.nl concerns pediatric physiotherapy
www.kinderfysiotherapie-ouderamstel.nl concerns pediatric physiotherapist, Francisca van der Laan
www.backneck.nl concerns orthomanual medicine and McKenzietherapy The Hague
www.amstelring.nl concerns dietetics Ouderkerk
www.ligwijzer.nl concerns head and body pillows
www. dryneedling.nl concerns dry needling
www.bekkentherapie.nl concerns pelvic therapy